Laser Hair Removal Aftercare: Do’s, Don’ts, When to Seek Help (2024)

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare: Do’s, Don’ts, When to Seek Help (1)Share on Pinterest

Laser hair removal is a professional procedure generally conducted by a dermatologist to help get rid of unwanted hair. The process works by concentrating beams of light to target hair follicles and destroy their hairs.

Laser treatments are most commonly used for your:

  • face
  • chest
  • armpits
  • back
  • bikini line
  • legs

A 2020 research review showed that advances in long-pulsed lasers have made it possible for this treatment to address not just dark hair on light skin as in the past, but also darker skin tones, too. Your physician will determine the best lasers to use based on both your hair and skin colors, as well as your hair texture.

Still, despite such advances in technology, laser hair removal remains a complex treatment that requires careful attention to aftercare. The way you care for your skin after the procedure can help reduce the risk of side effects and possible damage.

Read on to learn more about the do’s and don’ts regarding laser hair removal aftercare, and when you should contact your physician for help.

Your physician will give you specific instructions for taking care of your skin after laser treatments. In general, you should do the following to help promote skin healing and to prevent side effects.

Apply cool compresses

Wet a clean, soft washcloth with cool water and place it on the treated area for several minutes at a time. You can also use an ice pack wrapped in a paper towel. This method helps to reduce temporary swelling and pain after your laser hair removal treatment.

Apply prescription creams as directed

Your physician may prescribe a steroid cream to help minimize any pain and discomfort following your treatment. You may also take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or anti-inflammatory medications for pain relief.

Protect your skin from the sun

Since your skin will be sensitive after laser hair removal, your physician will recommend that you avoid getting direct sun exposure. You should avoid the sun for 1 month before the procedure to 1 month afterward. After this time, apply sunscreen to the area of treatment every day.

Can I shave after laser hair removal?

Your physician will instruct that you shave before your procedure to ensure a more targeted treatment. While you can also shave after laser hair removal, be sure to wait for several hours after skin redness or discoloration has subsided. Avoid shaving on any skin that’s:

  • swollen
  • red or discolored
  • painful

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS), says that laser hair removal is designed to replace shaving. However, the American Academy of Dermatology Association (AADA) says that your first procedure removes between 10 and 25 percent of your hairs.

According to Oregon Health & Science University, any repeat treatments are typically spread over several weeks or months. The AADA shares that most people need an average of six treatments in total, depending on the area of treatment and individual responses.

Knowing how to care for your skin after laser hair removal is crucial to reducing side effects, but you should also know what not to do after your procedure.

  • Space recurring treatments no sooner than 4 to 6 weeks apart. It may take multiple treatments spread out over time to achieve your desired results.
  • Don’t tan. This may increase your risk of hypopigmentation (light spots), as well as burns.
  • Don’t use tanning lotions. While seemingly harmless, these products can be irritating to skin that’s just undergone laser therapy. You may experience rashes, burns, and bumps.
  • Don’t apply lotions with fragrances or perfumes to the treatment area. These may cause skin redness or discoloration, and irritation.
  • Don’t apply deodorant to the underarms if laser hair treatment was targeted in this area. These products may also cause skin irritation.
  • Avoid body scrubs for at least a few days, as it can irritate your skin.

The ASAPS says that redness or discoloration, and swelling are common — but temporary — side effects of laser hair removal. You may also experience mild pain. Such side effects usually resolve within 1 to 3 days, according to the AADA.

An experienced, board certified professional will work to reduce side effects from laser hair removal by using the right types of lasers for your skin and hair color or type. They will also ask you about your medical history and any medications you take that might cause adverse reactions.

More serious side effects of this procedure may include:

According to the ASAPS, while laser hair removal is considered noninvasive and causes minimal discomfort, you should be on the lookout for any possible side effects. You should call your doctor if you notice:

  • increased swelling
  • burns or blisters
  • pain that doesn’t respond to your prescribed antiseptic cream
  • symptoms of pigmentation changes or scarring
  • symptoms of infection, including pus and red or discolored streaks

The organization above also shares that due to both general safety and effectiveness, laser hair removal remains one of the most popular nonsurgical procedures in the United States. As with any cosmetic procedure, though, it’s important to follow your physician’s aftercare instructions to help achieve the best results possible.

Taking care of your skin after laser hair removal may reduce the risk of side effects, but not all risks are avoidable. Be sure to discuss the benefits and risks for your hair and skin types with your physician, and to report any new or worsening reactions right away.

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare: Do’s, Don’ts, When to Seek Help (2024)


Laser Hair Removal Aftercare: Do’s, Don’ts, When to Seek Help? ›

The first steps in skin care after laser treatment are to apply cooling gel or ice packs, avoid hot showers and baths, keep the area clean, avoid sun exposure, skip skincare products, avoid excessive heat, refrain from touching or picking, stay hydrated, and follow the technician's recommendations.

What are the do's and don'ts after laser hair removal? ›

Wear a wide-brimmed hat and re-apply sunblock every 2 hours when you're out, especially during the first week after your session. While your skin recovers, avoid exfoliating, shaving, and plucking new hair, extreme workouts, or harsh massages on the treated area for the first five days post-treatment.

What is the best aftercare for laser hair removal? ›

Do apply an ice-pack on the treated area to reduce pain, discomfort or irritation. Do apply aloe vera gel or calming creams for 3 days after the treatment. Do wear loose clothes to avoid friction on the treated area for 48 hours. Do keep treated area clean and dry for 48 hours.

What is maintenance after laser hair removal? ›

The best laser hair removal care tips include wearing at least 30 SPF at all times and making sure to reapply when necessary, avoiding makeup and other beauty products for at least 24 hours following a session, and exfoliating the treated area a few times per week in between sessions.

What happens if you don't exfoliate after laser hair removal? ›

5-14 days after treatment

If you don't exfoliate these hairs some may become trapped so it's best to lightly exfoliate every few days to avoid this. If you continue to shave you may not notice this happening but it is nothing to worry about, it is a sign treatment has been effective.

How long after can you shower after laser hair removal? ›

You can take a shower after laser hair removal, but it is recommended to use cool water for the first few showers. It is best to avoid hot water, hot tubs, and saunas for at least 48 hours after the treatment. You should wait at least 6-8 hours after the session before taking a shower.

What is the best thing to wear after laser hair removal? ›

What To Do After Laser Hair Removal
  • Wear loose cotton clothing.
  • Avoid touching the skin in the treatment area.
  • Apply 100% Aloe Vera ONLY to your treatment area.
  • Avoid the gym, steam room, sauna, Jacuzzi, swimming pool.
  • When showering/bathing keep water tepid/lukewarm.
  • Avoid doing all forms of physical exercise.
Jan 23, 2018

How to speed up shedding after laser hair removal? ›

Moisturise: Keep your skin hydrated with a high-quality, fragrance-free moisturiser. This makes it easier for the shedding hair to push through the skin. Avoid hair removal methods: Resist the temptation to use tweezers, wax, or other hair removal methods on the treated area.

Can I shave 2 days after laser hair removal? ›

It is generally recommended to wait at least three or four days after laser hair removal treatment before shaving the treated area. This allows time for the skin to recover and reduces the risk of irritation. Some sources suggest waiting until shedding occurs, which typically happens a few days after treatment.

How long after laser hair removal can I wash my face? ›

It's recommended to wait at least 6-8 hours after a laser hair removal session before taking a shower; which should be cold or very mild. This gives the skin time to cool down and for any redness or swelling to subside. At Skin Perfection; London's Top Laser Hair Removal Clinic; we recommend you to avoid hot showers.

Why do I still have stubble after laser hair removal? ›

With hairs at different stages at any given time, a single laser session can only target hairs in the active growth phase. This discrepancy means that hairs not in the active phase during treatment will continue to grow, leading to the perception of stubble.

How to remove dead hair follicles after laser? ›

Regular Shaving – Shaving is a safe and efficient method to remove dead hair. It doesn't disturb the hair follicles treated by the laser, making it a suitable option between sessions. Avoid Sun Exposure – Protect the treated area from direct sun exposure.

What is shedding after laser hair removal? ›

Shedding refers to the process where the treated hair falls out after a laser. It's an essential part of the process as it signifies that the hair follicles have been damaged, and new hair growth will be slowed down or stopped altogether.

What not to do after laser? ›

Laser Hair Removal Aftercare Don'ts
  • Avoid Sun Exposure, Saunas, and Hot Baths for Several Days. ...
  • Avoid Tanning Lotions for Several Days. ...
  • Avoid Lotions with Perfumes and Fragrances for 48 Hours. ...
  • Don't Apply Pressure to the Treated Area for Several Days. ...
  • Avoid Body Scrubs for 48 Hours. ...
  • Don't Go Swimming for 48 Hours.
Apr 20, 2022

Why do I have so many ingrown hairs after laser hair removal? ›

Ingrown Hair Caused by Laser Hair Removal

This is more likely to happen in areas already prone to ingrowns. Additionally, after treatment, some hairs may regrow finer and weaker. These weak hairs might not be strong enough to break through the skin's surface, causing them to grow trapped underneath.

Why can't I get a clean shave after laser? ›

The laser uses intense heat to target the hair follicles beneath the skin's surface, which causes them to enter a dormant phase. The hair present during the treatment eventually falls off, but not instantaneously. So patience is key. Post-treatment, you may find hairs that seem stubborn and resistant to shaving.

How long should you wait to shave after laser hair removal? ›

It is generally recommended to wait at least three or four days after laser hair removal treatment before shaving the treated area. This allows time for the skin to recover and reduces the risk of irritation. Some sources suggest waiting until shedding occurs, which typically happens a few days after treatment.

What is the best way to get hair out after laser? ›

Be patient with the treated area, and after a few weeks the hairs will fall out without further provoking. For best results, leaving the treated area(s) alone is recommended as the targeted hairs will complete their growth cycle, shed, and because the follicle has been destroyed, there will be no regrowth.

Do I need to moisturize after laser hair removal? ›

Yes, you can, and should, moisturise after laser hair removal. While you should not moisturise before your laser hair removal appointment, after your appointment is a different story. The best moisturisers to use after laser hair removal are perfume free. This will help to avoid excess skin irritation.

What happens if you wash after laser hair removal? ›

You can shower after laser hair removal treatment but it is best to wait until the day after your session. Keep the temperature of the water quite tepid to avoid your skin becoming irritated.

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