The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (2024)

Most people have a lot more stuff lying around the house than they use or need. Instead of hauling it all the way to a new apartment, consider hosting a moving sale. It’s an easy way to literally lighten your load and reap the benefits!

Why you should host a moving sale

There are any number of perfectly good reasons to host a moving sale, all designed to help you declutter, make some money or a happy combination of both.

Offload things you don’t really need

Most people are familiar with the time-honored practice in which people identify items to keep, trash or donate when preparing for a move. This is a vital tool to keep renters from dragging around a bunch of stuff they don’t really need from place to place.

As you’re making piles of clothes and tagging furniture, assess whether you have enough to hold a full-scale moving sale. A couple of boxes and one table probably aren’t worth a moving sale, but lots of clothes, tired decor items and furniture pieces? Yes, please!

Make some money

One man’s trash is another’s treasure, and all that, right? Let that sideboard, barely used athletic gear and extra winter coats have a new life in someone else’s unit…for a price! Then, sock away the profit in an account designed to pay moving expenses, furnish the new place or prepare for a rainy day. The choice is yours.

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (1)

Save some money

Expendable items don’t just take up unnecessary space in a new apartment, they also take up space on the moving truck. That translates to unnecessary dollars spent, as moving companies charge by load weight. Even if you’re not hiring professional movers, more stuff still equals a larger, more expensive truck. Don’t make the pricey mistake of paying to move items you don’t really care about.

How to plan a moving sale

Moving sales aren’t tough to plan, as long as a few key considerations are made.

Get permission

Before getting too deep into the moving sale planning process, check with management if you’re planning to hold it outdoors. They might direct you to a designated area, or require that everything stays inside the unit. Whatever you do, don’t block exits or hallways, as such missteps are pretty big safety violations.

Pick a date

Schedule the moving sale for a weekend date that’s close to move-out, but not directly before. That way, you’ll have a good idea of how much stuff actually needs to be moved, but won’t be too stressed out come moving day.

Invite other neighbors to participate

Sales involving multiple units enjoy more traffic than single-person sales. Invite neighbors to join in, as long as it’s okay with management.

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (2)

Publicize the sale

Use a mix of methods to get the word out about the moving sale, including social media, texts that friends and family can share and even printed fliers hung in strategic locations around the neighborhood. Neighborhood message boards and services like Craigslist are other great options for getting the word out. Don’t forget the value of a few well-placed “moving sale” signs and balloons on the day of the event!

In descriptions, include all of the pertinent details, like address, date and time frame. Set firm hours and include descriptions of the types of items that will be available. Bonus points for pictures of high-value items!

Organize and set prices

No one wants to rifle through a box of old cookery. Take steps to make your sale as customer-friendly as possible. Borrow folding tables to more attractively display items, and group them by use or function (kitchen stuff together, decor, etc.) Outfit them with signs that clearly show how much you’re asking for each piece. Make a mental note of how far below that you’re willing to go, however, as moving sales are known for attracting deal-hunting hagglers.

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (3)

Have change and QR codes on hand

Some people still pay in cash, so have a supply of small bills and coins on hand to make change. For people who want to pay digitally, provide printed QR codes for your Venmo, PayPal or other accounts. Ensure payment is received before you let them walk off with your stuff, however.

Collect day-of-sale supplies

Stockpile grocery store plastic bags, cardboard boxes and other items that will help you enjoy a seamless sale. Make sure to have scissors, tape, sharpie markers, a calculator and other helpful items at the ready, so you don’t have to go looking all around for them.

Add some extras

Consider fleshing out the event by selling sodas, bottled waters and individually wrapped baked goods! Those items are cheap to purchase and easy to upcharge. Plus, you’ll have something to snack on while you work.

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (4)

Add some “staff”

Ask a couple of friends or family members if they are available to help you out on the big day. That way, if turnout is high, you’ll have plenty of hands on deck to take the money and help carry things to cars if needed. Offer to let them peddle some of their own items for sale to sweeten the pot!

Create a contingency plan

It’s unlikely that absolutely everything will sell. Decide if you’re willing to take a lump sum for the remaining inventory, as it’s common for people to make such an offer at the end of yard sale events. Or select a non-profit that takes drop-off donations. Better yet, chose an organization that will pick them up from you!

Moving out and moving on, starting with a moving sale

There’s no need to drag unnecessary stuff into a clean, new-to-you apartment. Enjoy the moving sale purge process, not to mention any profit that comes along with it!

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (5)

A freelance writer based out of the Atlanta area, Alia has penned articles during her decade+ career for such sites as HowStuffWorks, TLC, Animal Planet, Zillow and many more. Her favorite things to write about include fitness, nutrition, travel, healthcare and general lifestyle topics. A graduate of the University of Georgia, Alia’s an avid Dawg, but she also loves reading, sewing, eating all things chocolate and playing sports with her husband, three boys and beloved border collie, Flash.

The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale (2024)


The Comprehensive Guide to Hosting a Successful Moving Sale? ›

Like we mentioned, you can try to sell lots of things at a garage sale, but that doesn't mean they'll actually sell. It's important to keep in mind some things are in higher demand than others. Selecting in-demand sale items like books, dishes, and tools helps you have a more successful yard sale.

What sells the best at yard sales? ›

Like we mentioned, you can try to sell lots of things at a garage sale, but that doesn't mean they'll actually sell. It's important to keep in mind some things are in higher demand than others. Selecting in-demand sale items like books, dishes, and tools helps you have a more successful yard sale.

What is the best time of day for a yard sale? ›

Garage sales usually start early in the morning, around 7 a.m., and end mid-afternoon. The busiest hours of a garage sale are often between 7 a.m. and 11 a.m., before temperatures get too high. Depending on how many items you plan to sell, you may want to spread the sale out over multiple days.

How much cash should I have for a garage sale? ›

Choose a date, gather items to sell, and organize them in a way that makes browsing easy for buyers. Sometimes I've started with only $30 but always make sure and have the 10 $1 bills because a lot of people will buy a one or two dollar item and give you a five.

How to advertise for a moving sale? ›

Start with your own Facebook page, but also be sure to post in local FB garage sale groups, Facebook Marketplace, OfferUp, and Craigslist. Pro Tip: Make sure you're advertising the right thing! Sales aren't one-size-fits-all, and it's important to know what differentiates a moving sale vs. garage sale vs.

How do I attract people to my yard sale? ›

Four ways to bring in scores of people to your yard sale
  1. Promote your yard sale on social media. Social media is the place we live and the air we breathe. ...
  2. Post yard sale signs around your neighborhood. ...
  3. Put an ad on Craigslist or Facebook Marketplace (or both!) ...
  4. Sign up on yard sale sites. ...
  5. A final reminder.
Feb 23, 2022

Should you price items in a yard sale? ›

Whether you're clearing out your attic, decluttering your closets, or simply looking to make some extra cash, pricing your items effectively is key to a successful garage sale.

What is a good amount of change to have for a yard sale? ›

Searching through hanging clothes is much easier than pawing through a table covered with clothes. Plenty of cash. Get two rolls of quarters, a stack of 50 $1 bills, 10 $5 bills, and 5 $10 bills. Do it two days before the sale so that, if you forget, you can still get the change on the day before.

What months are good for yard sales? ›

The best time to host a garage sale is early spring, because shoppers are excited to break out of their winter hibernation and browse for bargains in the sun. But if your spring cleaning lasts until June, summer is the next best time to hold your garage sale.

How should I arrange my garage sale items? ›

Organize Your Items

Make sure you have a designated section for books, art, technology, school supplies, miscellaneous, etc. If your garage is clearly labeled and organized, you'll spend less time directing people where to go and more time putting well-earned money into your pocket.

What are the disadvantages of a garage sale? ›

They can be a fun way to get to know your neighbors or meet interesting people. One of the largest downsides is that people set aside things for a garage sale and then never have one. The unwanted items continue to take up space in their homes and create a mountain of clutter that can often become a fire hazard.

What is the rule of thumb for pricing at a garage sale? ›

Assess the condition of your items and start pricing using these guidelines that will leave you room to come down in pricing when negotiations begin: Excellent or like-new condition: 50% of original retail price. Good condition: 25%-30% of original retail price. Fair or poor condition: 10% of original retail price.

What should I sell first when moving? ›

Try these 8 items first:
  • 1.Furniture. The most lucrative item you can typically sell during the moving process is furniture, especially if you have designer pieces in great shape. ...
  • 2.Old electronics. ...
  • 3.Clothes. ...
  • 4.Toys. ...
  • 5.Tools and Kitchen Items. ...
  • 6.CDs, Movies, and Books. ...
  • 7.Donations. ...
  • 8.Used Boxes.

How to get ready for a moving sale? ›

Be ready to do business.

On the day of the moving sale, set up a cashier's desk (a card table will do fine). Have a calculator, scissors, tape, string, markers, a cash box and plenty of change. When you accept bills, be aware of counterfeit currency and how to spot it.

How do you write a catchy garage sale ad? ›

Tips for writing a successful garage sale ad:
  1. Include dates and times. It may sound obvious, but people still forget to include sale dates and times in their listings. ...
  2. Provide an exact address. ...
  3. State your terms. ...
  4. Use the right lingo. ...
  5. Tease your target audience. ...
  6. Safety first. ...
  7. Proofread your post.
Mar 5, 2023

How can I make extra money at a yard sale? ›

Offer Profitable Extras

Whether you make them yourself or pick them up from Costco or Sam's Club, selling snacks and drinks during your garage or yard sale can take your final total over-the-top. It doesn't have to be fancy; cookies, snack bags of chips and bottled water will sell really well.

What to use for cash box for garage sale? ›

Use a locked cash box or a fanny pack and keep only a very limited amount of money on you at any time. If someone wants to break a large bill, such as $100 for a small item, tell them you will be happy to hold the item if they want to go get change.

Is it better to price things at a yard sale? ›

Although not everyone puts price tags on their garage sale merchandise, pricing your merchandise in advance will make the day of the sale less hectic for you. Additionally, it may make customers more likely to buy.

What is the greatest yard sale ever? ›

The 127 Yard Sale is an annual event that takes place the first Thursday-Sunday in August each year. It's literally, The World's Longest Yard Sale! The route spans 6 states (Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama) and is 690 miles long.

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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.